What is Functional Fitness?
Posted By irvinechiro / Date Posted: 2019-11-04
What is Functional fitness?
As an avid weightlifter and a Chiropractor who believes heavily in the benefits of lifting weights, I want to discuss this very current topic of Functional Fitness. I will do my best to not name any names when I discuss certain types of training to avoid upsetting anyone.
For many years now this topic of functional training and functional fitness has been doing the rounds and gaining popularity. Sometimes these workouts are time based being functional for about 45 minutes and other times they are based around throwing heavy weights above your head as many times as you can in one minute. Neither of these very popular regimes are any more functional than a bodybuilder routine that involves lifting things and stimulating muscles.
Functional fitness by definition is a class of training that prepares the body for real life movements and activities such as squatting, reaching, pulling and lifting.
If you have ever observed these classes they involve many things that may be considered within the realm of this definition, however they have been packaged into something that barely resembles any of that. For e.g doing a pull up or a derivative of a pull up is functionally important, what isn’t important or necessary is performing a pull up with assistance of a band, using a big swing and loads of momentum. Doing a squat is rather important but what isn’t important is squatting on a half ball like thingy holding a weight above your head.
Now I train as what would be classified a bodybuilder. My training is very one dimensional and doesn’t involve a huge array of diverse or fancy functional exercises. What it does include is progressive overload, constantly challenging my musculo-skeletal system. Most days I will also include a short and sharp burst of High intensity interval training or H.I.I.T. This combination is what I believe will keep me able to function healthily for the longest period without placing undue stress on my joints and shortening my training lifespan.
I am in for the long game. I want to be in a gym until the day I die. I believe having a good amount of muscle on our frames is important to keep us young, fit and healthy. It stimulates our metabolism and builds our resilience.
I hope you find the time to get to the gym soon. Whether it’s once per week or every day, anything is better than nothing.
As always if you have any injuries or health concerns consult your local GP or health professional to get the help you need.